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2008年7月27日 星期日


Music for Traffic-jams
Beautiful soundscapes for when 'heavy days are here again'


1. 美麗的開始 Leaving with a good mood 9'22"
2. 乍見煩惱 A bad outlook 3'16"
3. 似有阻礙 Slow motion 5'16"
4. 陷落之中 Stuck in a jam 6'35"
5. 依然自在 Keeping my mind at ease 21'36"
6. 再次流動 Room to move on 7'51"
7. 在微笑中迎向旅程 Continue my trip with a smile 4'14"
8. Bonus1 愛與感謝─獻給我摯愛的姐妹
Bonus1 - For my sister Tineke, with gratitude and love 3'29"
9. Bonus2 優雅的微笑─獻給優雅的茵格
Bonus2 - For Inge, she is natural graceful 4'15"


Singing Bowls, Gongs and all that Jazz
An innovation and inspiring experience


1. 來自南方的故事 To Maria from the south side story 3'36"
2. 正是時機 To Patricia, whenever the time is right... 8'12"
3. 再來一點 To Marja, gimme more 9'03"
4. 一切都是愛 To my parents Tools & Chris, with respect, honor & Love 2'30"
5. 優雅的茵格 To Inge, she is natural gracefulness 4'28"
6. 獻給永遠的生命鬥士 To Gerda, forever my champion 4'35"
7. 全心的愛 To Thanh-Tu with a lot of Love 4'48"
8. 你是我的愛與榮耀 To my brother Bert, with honor and Love 1'58"
9. 感激與愛 To my sister Tineke, with gratitude and Love 3'34"
10. 熱情滿懷 To Louise, with heart-warming passion 8'50"
11. 獻給一切諸神 To all the Gods and Goddesses 3'05"
12. 就愛爵士 To all that Jazz 7'16"
13. 獻給moola moolah To the spirits of moola moolah 4'54"


Chakra Delight
A treat for chakra meditation and kundalini training


1. 靜心之初 Grounding meditation 11'33"
2. Om meditation 6'24"
3. Aum的冥想 Aum meditation 7'00"
4. 海底輪之歌 Ode to Muladhara Chakra 1 3'23"
5. 生殖輪之歌 Ode to Svadhisthana Chakra 2 4'19"
6. 臍輪之歌 Ode to Manipura Chakra 3 2'51"
7. 心輪之歌 Ode to Anahata hakra 4 3'13"
8. 喉輪之歌 Ode to Vishuddha Chakra 5 2'55"
9. 眉輪之歌 Ode to Ajna Chakra 6 3'58"
10. 頂輪之歌 Ode to Sahasrara Chakra 7 3'51"
11. 與神合一 Ode Kamadhenu meditation (Come together) 8'05"


Once upon a time in Tibet
A relaxing sound fairy-tale with a happy ending


頌缽,又稱喜馬拉雅缽(Himalaya bowl)。遠再西元前六百年就被人們發現,並賦予各種神祕的傳說。人們發現,由頌缽發出的泛音聲響,能幫助身體放鬆,同時能平衡、調和人體的七個脈輪。


1. 夢尋香巴拉 Searching for Shambhala 6'32"
2. 徘徊 Wandering around 8'55"
3. 心向何處 Looking for directions 5'54"
4. 遇見守護者 Finding guardianship 14'29"
5. 靈光乍現 The unexpected messenger 14'17"
6. 進入無門之門 Entering the gate-less gate 13'59"

Hans de Back in Concert

Tibetan, Nepalese and Bhutan bells and bowls
10 tone Chink drum
16-string Japanese koto

1. Nepalese bowls 6'03"
2. Nepalese bowls 18'09"
3. Tibetan bowls 4'30"
4. 10-tone Chink drum 5'30"
5. Tibetan/Bhuta bowls 11'53"
6. Tibetan/Bhuta bowls 7'14"
7. 16-string Japanese koto 4'50"

Gong Meditation

A Shower of Sound Gong Meditation

Traditional Asian gongs, sounded by Hans de Back in a very fine, introvert interplay. A dramatic and at the same time meditative performance, also for therapeutic practice.

Two Contemplative Pieces for Gong 50'25"

Chakra Meditation

Various Himalayan bowls, bells and gongs, finely in tune for a simple but awesome interplay, from the very reverberation of the gong to the high pitch of the temple bells.

01. Chakra 1 6'14"
02. Chakra 2 6'25"
03. Chakra 3 9'42"
04. Chakra 4 8'10"
05. Chakra 5 6'18"
06. Chakra 6 8'00"
07. Chakra 7 6'53"

Singing Bowl Meditation 1

Music for Relaxation and Meditation.

Part 1 - 32'35"
Part 2 - 32'51"

2008年7月26日 星期六

Gentle touch of sound

01. Introduction (Buthanese and Tibethan singing bowla) 1'14"
02. Introduction Korean temple bells 4'17"
03. Buthanese and Tibethan singing bowls 26'51"
04. Kung Zee (Flat gongs from Birma) 6'41"
05. Nepalese singing bowla (whispering bowls)14'09"
06. Nepalese singing bowla (star bowls) 8'20"

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