2008年7月27日 星期日


Music for Traffic-jams
Beautiful soundscapes for when 'heavy days are here again'


1. 美麗的開始 Leaving with a good mood 9'22"
2. 乍見煩惱 A bad outlook 3'16"
3. 似有阻礙 Slow motion 5'16"
4. 陷落之中 Stuck in a jam 6'35"
5. 依然自在 Keeping my mind at ease 21'36"
6. 再次流動 Room to move on 7'51"
7. 在微笑中迎向旅程 Continue my trip with a smile 4'14"
8. Bonus1 愛與感謝─獻給我摯愛的姐妹
Bonus1 - For my sister Tineke, with gratitude and love 3'29"
9. Bonus2 優雅的微笑─獻給優雅的茵格
Bonus2 - For Inge, she is natural graceful 4'15"

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